
Sunday 24 December 2017

Summer Learning Journey 3

Summer Learning Journey 3

For this activity I have to rank the videos on 3# 2# or 1# and say why I ranked the videos.

Tamatea Arikinui My rank for this video is #3 because I liked the way they danced with passion

Te Iti Kahurangi My rank for this video is 3# because I loved how they sang with their wonderful voices
Te Puku o Te Ika My rank for this video is 3# because how their voices were so light and calm.


  1. Kia Ora Alice

    My name is Jolie and I go to Glen Innes School,I am also doing the summer Learning Journey which means that I can see more of your amazing work. What was your favourite part about this activity? Why?. Keep up the great work.

    1. Kia Ora Jolie

      Sorry for the late reply My favourite part was the part when I started to watch the amazing videos!.
      Thank you Jolie and Bye

  2. Hi Alice,

    Thank you for sharing your activity! Quick question: is #3 for the best or least liked?

    But I do agree with your comments, they sang and danced beautifully! I wonder how long it took them to practice and get their performance so perfect!!! What is something you have had to spend lots of time practicing to get right? Maybe a musical instrument, sport or cooking skill. There are so many things that take lots of time and practice to get right.

    When I was younger I had to practice over and over again my guitar chords... I may not be perfect yet but I still enjoy practicing my guitar skills.

    Keep up the great work

    Cadence :)
