
Wednesday 31 October 2018

Kiwi Can

This week for Kiwi can we played two games, During kiwi can we talked about the rules in school and we also talked about things we should be able to have or do during school. This week for kiwi can our topic this term/week is Resepect, We also had talked about Respect in school and class. Respect is something we should have for people,Things or belongings and other things that should be looked after/Taken care of. Respect is also something we should have for somebodys belonings.

Game 1: In game number one you must have a ball, A number of equal people and you also have to get into a circle. To play this game first get into a circle, Then number the people off 1,2.3 & 4 and then put a ball in the middle of the circle of people. During playing this game you have to have someone to call out the numbers, During the numbers are called the people who have that number have to run around the circle and then back to where they were standing to get the ball. Whoever gets the ball first is the winner. This is how you play this game.

Game 2: In this game you must have these things : Pencil/Pen, Paper groups of people in four or an equal number of people. To play this game first make a drawen table on your peice of paper, Then write down these six catgories : Boys name, Girls name, Food, Colour & total. In this game you will need someone to call out the letter, Then write down the things starting with that letter. For example B -
Boys name - Brian, Girls name - Brriana, Food - Bannanas & Colour - Blue. If you get the same names/words you get five points and if you get a diffrent name/word to the other groups of people you get ten points. Lastly add up how much points you got and see who won. This is how you play this game.

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