
Thursday 16 August 2018


This week for swimming we talked about what to do when your in a
river or at a beach. This week we also learnt new skills for swimming.

James talked about what to do if your stuck in a river, If your at a
river and you are stuck you have to watch out for rocks,branches and
trees. James said we have to avoid rocks, branches and trees.

James talked about what to do if your stuck in the water at the beach,
If your stuck in the water these are the 3 things you will have to do.

First you put both of your arms up to make the person look at you,
Then you yell help as loud as you can to get the person's attention
and Lastly to show that you need help you put on arm straight up and
yell help at the same time.

This week for swimming we learnt new skills, For the first skill we had to dive down and try make our chest touch the floor. This skill is a good skill because it helps you hold your breath if there is a big wave.

For the next skill we used our backs, First we had to lie on our backs
and gently kick. For this skill you have to keep your body straight if
you don't keep your body straight you will sink.

For the next skill we had to rotate, First we had to push off the
platform and then kick six times. After kicking six times you have
to turn onto your back, when you turn onto your back it's important
not to move your body or you'll sink.

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